The AMD EPYC 9754 was released in 2023
Current profitability
The estimated profitability for the AMD EPYC 9754 is currently $2.14 per day before accounting for electricity costs. With an electricity rate of $0.10 per kWh, the estimated daily profit would be around $1.28.
    [device] => Array
            [id] => 305
            [oldID] => 90
            [deviceTypeID] => 2
            [name] => EPYC 9754
            [short] => 9754
            [alias] => 
            [brandID] => 2
            [msrp] => 3299
            [year] => 2023
            [releaseDate] => 
            [active] => 1
            [brand] => AMD
            [brandLogo] => 243
            [devicePicture] => 1179

    [specifications] => Array
            [46] => 3
            [48] => 11
            [47] => 6
            [32] => 128
            [33] => 256
            [34] => 360
            [35] => 400
            [36] => 0
            [37] => 128
            [38] => 0
            [39] => 5
            [40] => 12
            [42] => 3.10
            [41] => 2.25
            [43] => 4 MB
            [44] => 128 MB
            [45] => 256 MB

    [historical] => 
    [brand] => Array
            [id] => 2
            [name] => AMD
            [url] =>
            [supportURL] => 
            [logo] => 243
            [color] => #d93e14
            [asic] => 
            [cpu] => 
            [fpga] => 
            [gpu] => 1
            [depin] => 

    [benchmarks] => Array
            [23] => Array
                    [hashrate] => 176000
                    [power] => 360

            [91] => Array
                    [hashrate] => 174000
                    [power] => 360

            [45] => Array
                    [hashrate] => 272160000
                    [power] => 360

            [92] => Array
                    [hashrate] => 137000
                    [power] => 360

            [79] => Array
                    [hashrate] => 14730
                    [power] => 360

            [26] => Array
                    [hashrate] => 65770
                    [power] => 360


    [affiliates] => 
    [estimates] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [coinID] => 27
                    [yield] => 7.4435524943143
                    [yield24h] => 7.9615547874702
                    [revenue] => 2.1437431183626
                    [revenue24h] => 2.2947127247896
                    [revenueTotal] => 2.1437431183626
                    [revenueTotal24h] => 2.2947127247896
                    [hashrate] => 176000
                    [power] => 360
                    [kwh] => 8.64
                    [profit] => 1.2797431183626
                    [profit24h] => 1.4307127247896

            [1] => Array
                    [coinID] => 221
                    [yield] => 1573.8070804332
                    [yield24h] => 1557.7399598767
                    [revenue] => 1.7626639300852
                    [revenue24h] => 1.7379492620055
                    [revenueTotal] => 1.7626639300852
                    [revenueTotal24h] => 1.7379492620055
                    [hashrate] => 174000
                    [power] => 360
                    [kwh] => 8.64
                    [profit] => 0.8986639300852
                    [profit24h] => 0.87394926200551

            [2] => Array
                    [coinID] => 75
                    [yield] => 0.0069727385677263
                    [yield24h] => 0.006957730840009
                    [revenue] => 1.4637870075228
                    [revenue24h] => 1.4721018739687
                    [revenueTotal] => 1.4637870075228
                    [revenueTotal24h] => 1.4721018739687
                    [hashrate] => 65770
                    [power] => 360
                    [kwh] => 8.64
                    [profit] => 0.59978700752276
                    [profit24h] => 0.60810187396871

            [3] => Array
                    [coinID] => 107
                    [yield] => 0.36525351998323
                    [yield24h] => 0.34514472763682
                    [revenue] => 1.4354463335342
                    [revenue24h] => 1.3608189557997
                    [revenueTotal] => 1.4354463335342
                    [revenueTotal24h] => 1.3608189557997
                    [hashrate] => 272160000
                    [power] => 360
                    [kwh] => 8.64
                    [profit] => 0.57144633353415
                    [profit24h] => 0.4968189557997

            [4] => Array
                    [coinID] => 235
                    [yield] => 320171.80500722
                    [yield24h] => 326312.8894795
                    [revenue] => 1.373537043481
                    [revenue24h] => 1.399882295867
                    [revenueTotal] => 1.373537043481
                    [revenueTotal24h] => 1.399882295867
                    [hashrate] => 14730
                    [power] => 360
                    [kwh] => 8.64
                    [profit] => 0.509537043481
                    [profit24h] => 0.53588229586704

            [5] => Array
                    [coinID] => 223
                    [yield] => 24.873973315116
                    [yield24h] => 26.855012367185
                    [revenue] => 1.2859844203915
                    [revenue24h] => 1.3896518610948
                    [revenueTotal] => 1.2859844203915
                    [revenueTotal24h] => 1.3896518610948
                    [hashrate] => 65770
                    [power] => 360
                    [kwh] => 8.64
                    [profit] => 0.42198442039151
                    [profit24h] => 0.52565186109483

            [6] => Array
                    [coinID] => 187
                    [yield] => 0.40232380714826
                    [yield24h] => 0.39508520279896
                    [revenue] => 0.81671732851096
                    [revenue24h] => 0.81765721815195
                    [revenueTotal] => 0.81671732851096
                    [revenueTotal24h] => 0.81765721815195
                    [hashrate] => 137000
                    [power] => 360
                    [kwh] => 8.64
                    [profit] => -0.04728267148904
                    [profit24h] => -0.046342781848045

