MicroBT Whatsminer M60
The MicroBT Whatsminer M60 was released in 2023
Current profitability
The estimated profitability for the MicroBT Whatsminer M60 is currently $11.13 per day before accounting for electricity costs. With an electricity rate of $0.10 per kWh, the estimated daily profit would be around $2.87.
Disclaimer: This is promotional content. We may receive compensation.
Sort by
Profit, Profit 24h, Revenue, Revenue 24h, Rev./kWh, Rev. 24h/kWh
# of GPUs
    [device] => Array
            [id] => 85
            [oldID] => 87
            [deviceTypeID] => 1
            [name] => Whatsminer M60
            [short] => m60
            [alias] => 
            [brandID] => 11
            [msrp] => 3699
            [year] => 2023
            [releaseDate] => 
            [active] => 1
            [brand] => MicroBT
            [brandLogo] => 1061
            [devicePicture] => 958

    [specifications] => 
    [historical] => 
    [brand] => Array
            [id] => 11
            [name] => MicroBT
            [url] => https://www.microbt.com/
            [supportURL] => https://www.whatsminer.com/src/views/support.html
            [logo] => 1061
            [color] => #ababab
            [asic] => 
            [cpu] => 
            [fpga] => 
            [gpu] => 
            [depin] => 

    [benchmarks] => Array
            [30] => Array
                    [hashrate] => 186000000000000
                    [power] => 3441


    [affiliates] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [link] => https://www.cryptominerbros.com/product/microbt-whatsminer-m60-bitcoin-miner/?ref=hedbvhzt
                    [logo] => 453
                    [origin] => 7
                    [price] => 
                    [stockStatus] => 
                    [updated] => 

            [1] => Array
                    [link] => https://apextomining.com/product/microbt-whatsminer-m60-156t-172t-19-9j-th-crptocurrency-bitcoin-crypto-miner-asic-hardware/?ref=nqrrjcwb
                    [logo] => 801
                    [origin] => 7
                    [price] => 
                    [stockStatus] => 
                    [updated] => 

            [2] => Array
                    [link] => https://coinminingcentral.com/collections/microbt/products/microbt-whatsminer-m60-bitcoin-miner-168th-s?ref=irxczzng
                    [logo] => 1023
                    [origin] => 40
                    [price] => 
                    [stockStatus] => 
                    [updated] => 

            [3] => Array
                    [link] => https://yesmining.io/en/product/microbt-whatsminer-m60-btc-miner/?ref=bhkjogjz
                    [logo] => 1050
                    [origin] => 7
                    [price] => 
                    [stockStatus] => 
                    [updated] => 


    [estimates] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [coinID] => 81
                    [yield] => 1353.656580734
                    [yield24h] => 1262.1041299623
                    [revenue] => 11.127057093633
                    [revenue24h] => 10.364673116532
                    [revenueTotal] => 11.127057093633
                    [revenueTotal24h] => 10.364673116532
                    [hashrate] => 186000000000000
                    [power] => 3441
                    [kwh] => 82.584
                    [profit] => 2.8686570936331
                    [profit24h] => 2.106273116532

            [1] => Array
                    [coinID] => 231
                    [yield] => 8.7431724999818
                    [yield24h] => 8.6541909469165
                    [revenue] => 9.2677628499806
                    [revenue24h] => 9.2165564684411
                    [revenueTotal] => 9.2677628499806
                    [revenueTotal24h] => 9.2165564684411
                    [hashrate] => 186000000000000
                    [power] => 3441
                    [kwh] => 82.584
                    [profit] => 1.0093628499806
                    [profit24h] => 0.95815646844112

            [2] => Array
                    [coinID] => 67
                    [yield] => 0.026395009023599
                    [yield24h] => 0.026231322890823
                    [revenue] => 8.7900659050391
                    [revenue24h] => 8.735982517808
                    [revenueTotal] => 8.7900659050391
                    [revenueTotal24h] => 8.735982517808
                    [hashrate] => 186000000000000
                    [power] => 3441
                    [kwh] => 82.584
                    [profit] => 0.53166590503906
                    [profit24h] => 0.47758251780797

            [3] => Array
                    [coinID] => 66
                    [yield] => 0.00010426042458869
                    [yield24h] => 0.00010426042458869
                    [revenue] => 8.7118968182067
                    [revenue24h] => 8.7018530639713
                    [revenueTotal] => 8.7118968182067
                    [revenueTotal24h] => 8.7018530639713
                    [hashrate] => 186000000000000
                    [power] => 3441
                    [kwh] => 82.584
                    [profit] => 0.45349681820667
                    [profit24h] => 0.44345306397132

