33% faster Dag on older nvidia cards evrprogpow, firopow and kawpow Removed rejected shares on startup for Exit/restart miner on startup on too many rejects.
Fixed meowpow hash. Added support for more meowpow pools. Removed the maintainance mining option.
Added support for meowpow with dual/tripple mining modes AMD/NVIDIA.
Fixed rejected shares and startup issue in etc+ETHashb3 / eth+ETHashb3 on AMD Fixed slow dag building on amd for ETC+VTC, EThashB3+VTC ETH+VTC
Faster KAWPOW on AMD. Fixed crash on ubuntu 18.04. Fixed issue on AMD in zil-only mode. Sometimes non zil dag was created.
Fixed crash in ETC/ETHB3/ETH mining on linux in all modes. Fixed bug in VTC+ETC and VTC+ZIL mining. Reduced rejected shares)
Only cache zil dag on miner startup if --zil-only is specified. Disabled autotune kernel in dual mining mode. (the default kernel 1 is used) Fixed ethb3 pool password in dual mining mode. Fixed crash in zil_only mode. Only show zil stats in --zil-only mode.
Improved the Kernel Autotune faster default hashing. ETC/ETH/ETHW/ZIL Added --zil-only options all epocs other than zil will not be mined in dual mining mode. Fix miner not starting in mixed card rigs AMD+Nvidia mining vertcoin. Restore performance Vertcoin on NVIDIA CMP. Fixed crash in kawpow+(dual mode) In dual ETHB3 mode and mixed card rigs AMD cards will only mine the supported coins. --kawpow-xintensity and --verthash-xintensity has been replaced with --dual-xintensity and support for ethashb3 has been added. --help updated with the latest commands
Fix rejects Kawpow on nvidia Add Kawpow support for older AMD cards like rx580 (>=opencl 2.0 ) Improved performance on kawpow multipools. (Multiple epoc switches) Fixed crash in ETHB3+VTC mining
Do not verify dag when mining zil. Small speedup in ZIL. Fix rejected stale in +zil mode.
Fixed RVN mining on many pools. Reduced rejected shares mulitcoin RVN pools. Nicehash Fixed bug in shortoptions causing some scripts to fail. Fixed ssl mining on some pools.
(Added support for ZIL epoch change in all modes. Fixed some crashes
Fixed pool authorization problem if username and wallet pools where combined in dual and tripple mining. Removed crash at startup at some pools
Improved Verthash startup time. Removed low difficulty rejects on startup in verthash. Added option for failover pool. Removed rejectes for zil mining on the K1pool
Faster gpu thread exit in all algos. Less rejects, more ZIL hash. Fixed crash in dual mining mode. Fixed api issues
Fixed crash in ZIL when mining RVN+ZIL Fixed crash/multiple rejects on startup on some pools Fixed duplicate rejected shares from 1.85 Improved +rvn. Sometimes RVN was mining in the ZIL pow. Removed job not found reject in ssl mining and improved the stratum speed.
Added dual and triple mining for ravencoin RVN+ZIL, RVN+ETC+ZIL (NVIDIA). Improved switching code for kawpow with Less rejected shares. Added support for ssl mining in +vtc and +rvn. Both pools have to be ssl pools. Reduced stale shares. Try to fix performance loss NVIDIA COMP
Faster VTC+ZIL mining. Epoch 0 cached at startup AMD/NVIDIA in +ZIL mode. Improved the startup time when mining 2 or 3 algos. Added support for ZIL standalone mining on Fixed stats. Sometimes the AVG hashrate in the console was 0 for verthash. Fixed AMD ETC standalone mining not starting bug introduced in non dual mode 1.82. Fixed --zil-power-limit so it resets properly after endzil pow)
Fixed issue with high cpu load introduced in 1.81. Fixed issue in VTC+ZIL. Several small improvements
Added support for VTC+ETC+ZIL .Mine 3 coins at once. 6gb or more GPU memory needed Remove rejects during zil switch. Remove rejects Verthash Fixed "The program didnt exit the autotune mode bug" Reduced the gpu memory usage.
Reduced stale shares Added ca.pem file to the Windows archive. (fix ssl mining)
Removed rejected shares bug on ethproxy pools. Fixed a bug in poolspeed on ethproxy and vardiff pools. The vardiff poolspeed in the console now reset on every difficulty change. Fixed the zil dagcache for AMD. Faster switches between zil/etc/eth. Cpu verification moved to submit thread
Submit solutions in a seperate thread. Faster poolspeed hashrate in ETHW/ETC and Kawpow. Cuda 8 tuned ETHW/ETC/ETF kernels, abit faster on RTX cards. Fix nonce problem that caused rejects on some pools. (Ethash/etchash). Added Ethereum Fair pools. API is now running at init. Test on the Verthash filesize, and recreate on wrong size
Added ravencoin support (Kawpow). Faster Kawpow on Nvidia. Fixed a rare crash in ETH+ZIL dual mining
Added the KAWPOW algo (ravencoin) Restored Zil Single mining. New dual mining mode ethash+zil and etchash+zil. Fixed poolspeed in the console for static diff pools for vertcoin.
Improved performance Vertcoin. Removed crash on exit. Added ethpow pools. Removed rejected shares mining ETC on Reduced cpu memory usage for Vertcoin. Intensity rewrite/improvement for Verthash abit more stable and faster. Added more pools. Removed duplicate jobid in console for verthash. Fixed hashrate console bug on amd / total hash in verthash. (H/s instead of KH/s)
Improved gpu timout check code and preventing timeouts. Exit if too many rejected share
Fix rejects on and
Fix gpu timeouts AMD. Fix rejects at
Fixed LHR aututune. Added config option to enable all clplatforms (-O --all-platforms). Simplified --lock-cclock and --lock-mlock. Now one value, not (min/max)
Fix rejected shares on the 9th device bug cuda. Ethproxy fixes opencl. Added more pools
Fixed timeout bug. Display the lost LHR hashrate in the console. Ethproxy improvements
If dag verification fails, copy a verified dag from another gpu (NVIDIA). RTX 3070/3060ti/2060/2070/2060S/2070S stable on +300mz memclock, when the dag is created on another gpu. Faster exit miner. Fix dag verification copy on mixed cards rig AMD/NVIDIA. Fix AMD timeouts on high intensity. Removed No GPU devices available on platform error message on startup
Speedup RTX 3xxx series, NON-LHR/LHR +1-2%. Rewrote the dag generator to work better on high oc (3060ti /3070). Fixed empty CUDA stats when running with a selection of the gpus. Fixed a bug in the dag validation code for cuda.70). Fixed cuda stats in mixed card rig and missing stats in AMD. Fixed bug in th LHR detector, sometimes the program didnt detect correctly. Improved default setting for the LHR mode
Fixed serious pool disconnect bug / GPU timeout bug. Improved the pool reconnection code. Fixed bug in mixed cards rig AMD/NVIDIA. Improved LHR unlock
Fixed index problem in stats when running with a selection of the gpus. Added more pools. Improve the EXIT code for LHR gpus Improved the stability and speed of the --lhr-unlock. Improved --dagintensity more stable on higher clocks. Try to remove more rejected shares on the hiveon pool (again). Fixed bug in the LHR detector. Fixed Hang if selecting a non existing cuda device
Fixed cpu validation error on ethproxy pools that caused rejects/skipping valid work. Added LHR detector and reset the device if detected. Removed reset every hour. Removed some LHR code for non LHR cards. Cuda devices that are busy/unavailable will be skipped instead of program exit. Added support for more pools, and fixed Reduced the use of stack, also reduced the overall memory needed. Removed memleak in --list-devices and --version
Fixed bug stratumcode for nicehash/hiveon (and possibly other). Added support for NVIDIA compute 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 cards GV100 , V100 , GA100. Fixed XINT,KERN, hashrate and hashrate/w in the stats when running with a selection of gpus in the rig
NVIDIA partial LHR unlock for all drivers and models. Enabled with --lhr-unlock. Removed vardiff in the display when pool has static diff. Reduced memory usage. Added support for more pools. Improved maintenance fee code, fully integrated. Improved the statum code. More compatible less rejected shares. This version doesnt have a LHR detector but will reset the device every hour just in case
Display difficulty change in the miner window. Use ETH+ZIL shares when calculating pool speed and shares per minute. Stratum change to avoid rejected shares on and pools. The default --xintensity changed to 144 on NVIDIA to reduce stale/rejected on hiveon, crazypool, flexpool, etheremine and binance pools
Improved performance for AMD cards on ETH+ZIL (dagger cache). Added the possibility to mine to ip adresses directly instead of hostnames. Disable cpu verification with --no-cpu set (default). Fixed Hashrate/W in the stats for opencl rigs. Added --maintainance-wallet adress (Mine to another wallet xx% of the time.)) Added --maintainance-percent (Set the % chance to use the maintainance-wallet for the whole session.) Slower dag generation on --dagintensity 1 to be stable on higher clocks. Reduced rejected/invalid shares on the and the pool. (+1-4%
Removed OpenCL support for Nvidia devices. Uptime minutes is now accurate. Stratum connect rewritten to solve libcurl error
Added --lhr-unlock option that can give a +20% boost on nvidia lhr cards with lower power. Reduced duplicate shares on hiveon pool and possibly other ethereum stratum 1.0 pools. Faster reconnect to pool if pool does not resolve or is not available. --xintensity 24 default on ethermine for AMD cards. Fixed memleak in the dag cache code when mining ETH+ZIL
Added stats for Amd cards (Linux).
Fixed issue with connect to pool. (Windows).
Dont add hashrate when validating dag (AMD).
Tiny speedup on NVIDIA cards.
Added a --miningtime option to stop mining after num minutes.
--timeout function now restarts stratum thread after num seconds without data from pool.
Default xintensity on hiveon and binance changed to 24 to reduce stales (AMD)