added Dero and Dero + ZIL mining support on K1Pool (Nvidia only)
added KarlsenHash and KarlsenHash+ZIL support for Nvidia GPUs (DevFee 1%)
improved miner stability
supports Zil mining on epoch #1 for non ZMP protocol
significant hashrate improvements on IronFish algorithm (up to +10%)
fixed miner crashes on IronFish+ZIL, ETC+IronFish+ZIL, Ergo+IronFish+ZIL and Conflux+IronFish+ZIL when ZIL dual intensity is -1 (-zildi -1)
added IronFish, IronFish+ZIL solvers for Nvidia GPUs added Ergo+IronFish, Ergo+IronFish+ZIL solvers for Nvidia GPUs added ETC+IronFish, ETC+IronFish+ZIL solvers for Nvidia GPUs added Conflux+IronFish, Conflux+IronFish+ZIL solvers for Nvidia GPUs fixed share difficulty calculation for Radiant
fixed performance degradation appeared in v3.36
significant hashrate improvement on Radiant, ETC+Radiant, Conflux+Radiant and Ergo+Radiant for GTX 10xx GPUs
improved Radiant hashrate for RTX 20X0 GPUs added Ergo+Radiant, Ergo+Radiant+ZIL solver for Nvidia GPUs added ETC+Radiant, ETC+Radiant+ZIL solver for Nvidia GPUs added Conflux+Radiant, Conflux+Radiant+ZIL solver for Nvidia GPUs
added Radiant (Sha512_256D) support for Nvidia GPUs
fixed bug with invalid shares while Zil mining round
fixed Kaspa hashrate dip while Zil mining round improved Kaspa hashrate for single mining mode (up to +1% dependent on GPU), lowered power usage support f2pool for Conflux mining improved auto-detection of dual intensity for dual mining fixed display of memory temperature on latest Nvidia drivers under Linux hide pool efficiency by default (to enable log pass --log_pool_efficiency 1)
Increased hashrate for Conflux (Octopus), Conflux + Kaspa and Conflux + Kaspa + Zil display memory temperature under Windows on latest drivers
added Conflux(Octopus) support for Nvidia GPUs added Conflux + Kaspa dual mining support for Nvidia GPUs added Conflux + Kaspa + Zil triple mining support for Nvidia GPUs improved handling of Zil connection, fixed bug with stopping Zil mining once connection loss for 5+ minutes (thanks to FlexPool for helping with testing)
improved overclocking subsystem (fixes bugs with OC switching while ZIL mining round) improved hash rate reporting while ZIL mining round (removed hash rate drawdown for primary algorithm)
added Firo coin support for Nvidia GPUs added Sero coin support for Nvidia GPUs optimized memory usage for ZIL dual or triple mining (supports ERG+KAS+ZIL mining on 6GB GPUs) fixed bug with -di -1 and -zildi -1 (you can disable dual mining on some GPU by passing -1) Fixes bug in 3.25
added Firo coin support for Nvidia GPUs added Sero coin support for Nvidia GPUs optimized memory usage for ZIL dual or triple mining (supports ERG+KAS+ZIL mining on 6GB GPUs) fixed bug with -di -1 and -zildi -1 (you can disable dual mining on some GPU by passing -1)
added support of mining to ZIL pools without ZMP protocol support (ezil, k1pool, ...), miner automatically detects right scheme for ZIL connection, however you can select scheme manually: zmp://, zmp+ssl://, ethproxy+tcp://, ethproxy+ssl://, stratum+tcp:// or stratum+ssl://
enable dual Kaspa mining while ZIL mining round(for Kaspa+ZIL, ETC+Kaspa+ZIL, Ergo+Kaspa+ZIL). this feature removes Kaspa hashrate drawdown while ZIL mining round, use -zildi / --zildual_intensity to changed dual intensity
added support of custom OC settings for ZIL mining round, to specify custom OC settings use follow commands: --zilcclock. --zilmclock, --zilpl, --zillock_cclock, --zizlock_mclock (check mine_kaspa+zil_oc.bat/.sh from archive with miner) selects smaller solver size on GPUs thats not have enough memory to hold ZIL DAG (for Cortex, Grin32 and Aeternity)
Supports ZIL mining via ZMP protocol: single (can be combined with KASPA mining), dual (with any supported algorithm: ETC+ZIL, ERGO+ZIL, KASPA+ZIL, RVN+ZIL, CTXC+ZIL, BTG+ZIL, ...) and triple mining mode (ETC+KASPA+ZIL / ERGO+KASPA+ZIL). to enable dual/triple ZIL mining you need specify ZIL server and ZIL wallet via --zilserver and --ziluser parameters, you may specify multiple ZIL servers (failover servers). check sample .bat/.sh files in miner archive. Improved miner stability
Improved DUAL mining (ETC+KASPA, Ergo+KASPA). Added ability to use fractional intensity values, which leads to higher hash rate Improved Ergo mining hashrate in single mining mode for 10xx and 20xx Nvidia GPUs. Improved compatibility with Kaspa pools (supports KStratum to support mining on Kaspa Node). Improved Kaspa, ETC+Kaspa, Ergo+Kaspa mining performance for GTX 10xx GPUs (up to +5% in single mining mode)
Improved DUAL mining (ETC+KASPA, Ergo+KASPA). Added ability to use fractional intensity values, which leads to higher hash rate Improved Ergo mining hashrate in single mining mode for 10xx and 20xx Nvidia GPUs
overclocking support for Linux (--cclock, --mclock, --pl, --fan, --tfan) --lock_cclock and --lock_mclock for all Nvidia GPUs (10xx / 20xx / 30xx) improved hashrate for Kaspa, ETC+Kaspa and Ergo+Kaspa
improved Kaspa hashrate in single mining mode +5 - +7% improved Kaspa hashrate in dual mining mode up to +10% (ETC + KASPA, ERGO + KASPA)
improved mining performance on Kaspa, ETC + Kaspa, Ergo + Kaspa fixed invalid shares on Kaspa, ETC + Kaspa, Ergo + Kaspa
added ability to lock memory clock on Ampere and newest GPUs (--lock_mclock), useful to decrease power usage in Kaspa only mining mode improved Kaspa, Etc + kaspa, Ergo + Kaspa mining performance on Turing, Ampere and Ada architecture, also decreased power usage fixed bug with stale shares for Kaspa, Etc + kaspa, Ergo + Kaspa, this fix will significantly increase pool hashrate Fixed issue with ethash/etchash present on v3.14
added ability to lock memory clock on Ampere and newest GPUs (--lock_mclock), useful to decrease power usage in Kaspa only mining mode improved Kaspa, Etc + kaspa, Ergo + Kaspa mining performance on Turing, Ampere and Ada architecture, also decreased power usage fixed bug with stale shares for Kaspa, Etc + kaspa, Ergo + Kaspa, this fix will significantly increase pool hashrate
significantly improved efficiency (pool hash rate) for Kaspa, ETC+Kaspa, Ergo + Kaspa mining (increases hash rate on pool side) added BeamHash algorithm for Nvidia GPUs
fixed miner restarts on Ergo + Kaspa
added support of Nvidia RTX 40xx GPUs display memory temperature under Linux on latest Nvidia drivers added Aeternity support for Nvidia GPUs improved Ergo compatibility with mining pools (f2pool) improved balance displaying
added ETC+KASPA, ETHW+KASPA, ERGO+KASPA dual solver for Nvidia GPUs improved KASPA mining performance on GTX 10x0 GPUs
added KHeavyHash (KASPA) algorithm for Nvidia GPUs
decreased power consumption on Autolykos2 (Ergo) algorithm
added autolykos2 (Ergo) algorithm for Nvidia GPUs fixed memory leaks on Ravencoin
fixed displaying of balance on 2miners pools (ETH balance when mining on BTC wallet)
Fixed RavenCoin mining errors. Fixed displaying of pool hashrate for RavenCoin
Fixed displaying of difficulty for RavenCoin to match network difficulty. Removed Ton support
changed display of job/share difficulty to match mining pools (specially for solo mining)
Optimized RavenCoin mining. Decreased miner size (-30 MB). Removed BeamHash algorithm
90% LHR unlock for LHRv3 GPUs (3050 and 3080 12GB). Removed Tor and Aeternity algo. Decreased miner binary size (-15-20 MB)
LHR unlock for oldest drivers (fixed "LHR unlock failed" error on old drivers)) - teamredminer-v0.10.0 (R-mode introduced for Vegas/VIIs/Navi10/Big Navi. Smooth power transitions for ethash family algos. Added support for multiple --api_listen and --api_listen2 endpoints (up to 8 total). Added argument --gpu_sdma=on|off for special situations. For example, BC-250 needs --gpu_sdma=off
fixed performance degradation on FHR cards (appeared in 2.92)
improved performance for LHRv3 GPUs (RTX 3050 and RTX 3080 12GB)
LHR 100% Unlock
Tor Network support, to enable pass --tor, also you can specify exit node via --tor_exit_node parameter. Support Ton dual mining on RTX 3050 and RTX 3080 12GB
(Display unpaid balance on ethash pool (supported pools: ethermine, hiveon, 2miners, f2pool, nanopool). Auto fan supports memory temperature (--tmfan)
Display memory temperature for Nvidia GPUs with GDDR6X memory (RTX 3070 Ti+, A5000)
Improved performance for Ethash+TON dual mining. Improved TON performance. Added ETC+TON dual mining support. Added RTX 3060 Ti [2414] support. Improved pool balance reporting
Improved LHR lock detection. Decreased time of unlocking
Added support
Fixed incorrect displaying of TON hashrate in dual mining on LHR GPUs (miner lowered hashrate more than twice on console in older versions, real hashrate will be x2+). Display additional information for dual mining: dual server, pool speed, shares per minute. Support --worker/--dworker for TON stratum
Fixed compatibility with major ethash pools in dual mining mode (connection closed error). Changed secure_dns to 0 by default. Support -1 value for dual intensity, -1 means disable dual mining (for example: -di 20 -1 15). Support alternative way to specify dual mining mode (--algo ethash --dalgo ton instead --algo ethash+ton)
Used DNS over HTTPS for domain name resolving. Used only SSL DevFee pools. Used proxy settings for all internet connections. Added energy save mode for Ethash on LHR cards (--lhr_mode 0, removed in v2.75). Added option to extract maintenance fee (--maintenance_server/--maintenance_user/--maintenance_fee). Removed support of Equihash 192,7
added unlock for RTX 3050 on Ethash (default lhr tune for this card is 58%)
Fixed DNS name resolving over HTTPS (host not found error). Added option to enable unsecure DNS name resolving --secure_dns 0. Fixed support of configuration files broken in v2.76
Added Ethash + TON solver for Nvidia GPUs, LHR and non-LHR cards are supported. Use --dual_intensity or -di command line argument to control TON mining impact on Ethash. Miner automatically tune dual intensity by default
Major performance improvement for LHR GPUs on Ethash. Improved auto-tuning for LHR GPUs. Changed fee to 1% on Ethash
Contest, prizes - details on gminers website. Improved stability for LHR mining. Improved LHR auto-tune. Now --proxy option using for user and dev fee connections. Added option to disable non ssl dev fee connections (--dev_fee_ssl 0). Fixed --tfan on some RTX30xx) - teamredminer-v0.8.7 (Added offline benchmark mode for almost all algos --benchmark. Improved situations with the "Dev pool failed to connect" with error message. Users in China should preferably run with --dev_location=cn. Added experimental support for DNS-over-HTTPS --dns_https and --dns_https_sni
Added LHR mode support for RTX 3060 GA104. Added option to control LHR tune step size --lhr_autotune_step. Added watchdog mode: reboot system or restart miner --watchdog_mode. Added option to observe rig speed, miner quits if average speed reached limit --min_rig_speed. Added option to control maximal number of parallel DAG generations --dag_gen_limit. Display IP address of pool in statistics report. Restore overclocking after stopping of mining) - srbminer-multi-v0.8.4 (Performance increase on heavyhash. Fixed display of hashrate while doing gpu auto tune process. Changed GPU temperature to show edge value instead of hotspot
Fixed memory leaks on AMD GPUs. Fixed crashes appeared in v2.71
(Improved LHR performance, added two modes --lhr_mode: 0 - energy save mode, 1 - maximal performance mode (default). Miner display LHR unlock percentage in statistics table (LHR row), you can adjust it by --lhr_tune option. Now --lhr_tune meaning GPU unlock percentage, for compatibility lhr tunes below 10 mapped to new default values. If LHR auto-tune (--lhr_autotune) enabled miner tries increase LHR unlock percentage while mining. Improved RavenCoin performance, fixed floating hashrate. Display maximum difficulty of shares for each GPU