etchash: Add support for NiceHash ETC pool
Ethash Add a new option --lhr-mode to select LHR unlock mode. --lhr-mode 1 is the default mode and is the same as which in v41.5. Try to use --lhr-mode 2 if stability issue encountered in mode 1. LHR v3 GPUs can only use mode 1. Ethash extend LHR unlocker to work with old driver versions. Starting from driver v515.x, LHR unlocker no longer works, make sure not to use these new driver versions. Ethash small hashrate improvement on Nvidia GPUs. Add GDDR6X memory temp in summary table. Add Nvidia driver versoin in summary table. Ethash add eth_submitHashrate for nicehash (EthereumStratum) protocol. If Overclock applies through nbminer, reset settings to stock when miner exit
Fix ethash LHR unlocker can not unlock on certain GPUs
feature: ethash Add 90% LHR unlocker for 3080 12G & 3050.
feature: ergo Add LHR unlocker support.
fix: ethash LHR unlocker improve stability.
fix: ethash Improve stability of LHR unlocker.
fix: ethash Fix crash on AMD GPUs
fix: ethash Improve compatibility on rigs with small system memory.
note: Recommend driver versions: 512.15 for Windows, 510.60 for Linux.
100% LHR unlocker added,. Run nbminer with admin priviledge to get 100% LHR unlock. Tested and verified on drivers 510.60. Other driver versions may have some compatibility issue. Previous LHR mode are removed. Note: If you run into issues, please change driver to recommened versions (use newest SimpleMiningOS beta image with such driver version), and set your memclock 100 ~ 200mhz lower that previous LHR partial unlock situation
Fix ethash v40.0 false detected as LHR lock under lastest Nvidia driver versions. Supports future LHR GPU models. Fix AMD ethash crash
Add -power-limit, -pl for power limitation. Add -cclock for set core clock.Display current LHR value in console summary table and web monitor. -proxy options now support username & password for SOCKS5 proxy. Web monitor changes, delete unused information for dual mining. New options for log control. -log-no-job: turn off the New job line in console. -log-cycle: set to change the cycle of Summary table show in console and log, in seconds. Fix ethash - change CPU share validation to independent thread, lower performance degradation when mining at very low difficulty pools. Fix LHR lock detected failure on some cases
Ethash LHR mode significant improvement: higher hashrate, more stable LHR unlocking for both -lhr-mode 1 and 2. Default LHR mode changes to -lhr-mode 1 for LHR GPUs. Default values of LHR mode increased, -lhr-mode 1 -> 74, -lhr-mode 2 -> 71. Added options for LHR auto-tuning control: -lhr-reduce-value, -lhr-reduce-time, -lhr-reduce-limit. Ergo also adapts the 3 new LHR options. Add -cmd-output option. Disable SNI extension for ssl connections by default, can be enabled with -enable-sni. Deleted cuckatoo, cuckatoo32 support
LHR mode support new GA104 version of 3060. Ethash turn on LHR mode by default for 3060 v1. Fix ethash fail to detect LHR lock on certain situation. Fix Nvidia GPU power consumption issue on certain rig config. Delete support for sero