x New Coin: Blocx x New dual combo: Ergo + Warthog (Nvidia only for now) x New dual combo: Blocx + Warthog (Nvidia only for now) x Dynex: Fixed multiple issues x Warthog will skip calibration if warthog_verus_hr_target is set for all sha devices x Warthog hashrate should stop dropping after time x Restart_miner_minutes is now a decimal number so can do sub minute times (eg. 0.5 for 30 seconds) x Increased gpu memory allocated for dual warthog x Bug fix: clore (and other kawpow algos) crashing after some minutes x Bug fix: ergo and ergo+warthog invalid ergo shares x Bug fix: cpu_affinity not saving to config.txt x Bug fix: bz should now close nicely (eg. --restart_miner_minutes, or reconnections to warthog) x Bug fix: fixes mainloop not responding in last beta
x Warthog: Slight verus optimization x Fixed dynex on AMD MI50 and VII cards x New option: cpu_affinity x Renamed warthog_cpu_threads to cpu_threads x Renamed warthog_unused_cpu_offset to cpu_threads_start_offset x Added additional command line options for choosing which algorithm each device mines x Added additional config.txt options (for HiveOS) to allow for more than 3 algorithms x Added summary table when more than 1 algorithm is mining. To disable use the "summary_table" option x Fixed warthog pool extranonce ignoring extranonces with leading 0's x Fixed verus on octominer cpus x Fixed verus on multi-socket cpus x janushash can be used instead of specifying warthog for algo name x see notes below for details on these options
x New combo: Ironfish + Warthog (Nvidia/AMD/Intel Experimental) x New combo: Karlsen + Warthog (Nvidia/AMD/Intel Experimental) x Slightly improved Ironfish on Nvidia x Updated "pool" option to allow individual gpu/algo combinations (see note below) x Bug fix: ironfish for amd 6xxx cards x Bug fix: amd total memory incorrect x Bug fix: cpu available memory incorrect x Bug fix: cpu core speed only looking at first core x Bug fix: socket leak x Bug fix: some dynex networking issues
x Warthog: Fixed auto-change to verus 2.2 x Nexa: Fixed rare connection bug
x Updated Warthog to support upcoming verus 2.2 change x Lowered delay between Warthog rpc calls to node
x Updated Dynex for algo change x Updated Dynex auto chip tuning x Fixed instant crashes for many people (Default disable_cpu_metrics to true)
New Coin: aidepin x New Coin: aipg x Warthog: Optimized and fixed some stability issues x Warthog: Fixed crashing from previous beta x Warthog: Added CPU metrics (only linux has power and temp currently) x Warthog: Fixed CPUs showing up as GPU x Dynex: Fixed crashes every hour or so x New option: warthog_cache_config default is 0 x New option: warthog_max_ram_gb is now a decimal x New option: disable_cpu_metrics set this to true if you experience crashing at startup x NOTE: Please wait 10-15 minutes for results to reach a balance and stabilize x NOTE: Please reset all warthog_verus_hr_target configs
x Ironfish: working again x Warthog: improved verus hashrate x Warthog: showing share difficulty x Warthog: http api providing janus score per device x Other small updates
x New Coin: warthog x Added option warthog_cpu_threads - Number of threads to use to compute the verus hashes. Default is 0, use number of cores available x Added option warthog_max_ram_gb - Amount of RAM to use to store sha hashes while cpu threads are calculating verus hashes. Default is 4gb. Value of 0 will use max ram minux 1gb. If not enough avaiable ram, will use available ram minus 1gb. if still not enough ram, will use available ram / 2. x Added option warthog_verus_hr_target - Specify the amount of verus hashrate each gpu should provide to the verus workers. If all gpu's have a verus hashrate specified, calibration will be skipped. Hashrates are specified in hashes per second, and are separated by spaces. Default is 0
x Decred: Added pool support x New coin: nexellia x New coin: dint (DinarTether) x New coin: Larissa
x Dynex: Updated to latest protocol x Added new config option 'ssl_verify' x Dynex: caching jobs are enabled by default (value 1). can change with 'dynex_cache_mallob' option
x Dynex: Fixed high diff shares being discarded x Dynex: Fixed bz version not being sent to the pool x Novo: Fixed extra nonce issue on woolypooly
x Dynex: fixed autotune timing out x Dynex: tbs_watchdog disabled for pouw only mode x Can now set "no_watchdog": true in config.txt (hiveos args)
x Dynex: Improved hashrate on nvidia/amd x Dynex: Many stability updates x Fixed issue with amd pci bus id's over 127 x Many other bug fixes x note: Intel is not currently working properly on dynex
x Dynex: reduced rejected shares x Dynex: updated dynex_pow_ratio to be more predictable x Dynex: dynex_pow_ratio 1.0 will not always give best results. Tune between 0.0 and 1.0 to find best efficiency x Dynex: dynex_pow_ratio 2.0 will autotune, better hashrate/efficiency for pow
x Significant Dynex hashrate improvements for most cards (nvidia and amd) x Fixed Nexa on nvidia cards x Showing more Dynex stats to help tuning dynex_pow_ratio x Zil defaults to epoch 1 now x Other bug fixes x Dynex oc's may likely need to be re-adjusted from other miners/previous versions
New coin: Karlsen (Supports solo mining without bridge) For dynex, replaced pool hr column with pow hr Added dynex_pow_ratio config option in the cfg column Added support for dynex_pow_ratio option in hive* zil uses epoch 1 by default (prevents initial dag recreation on first zil window) -- dynex_pow_ratio -- For hive users, in extra config arguments, put the dynex_pow_ratio array in quotes, like: "dynex_pow_ratio": "[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]"
New coin: Dynex
New coin: decred (read decred.bat/.sh on how to mine) Added support on Intel Arc GPUs for Decred, Rethereum Intel enabled by default Intel Arc support for decred, ironfish, alph, radiant rethereum, clore, xna, rvn, gamepass, neoxa and meowcoin, Added option restart_on_reconnect Fixed hive not liking http/https in the pool urls (https is used by default if protocol is not specified) Fixed possible crash on Intel only rigs
Added rethereum + alph Fixed rethereum + radiant duplicate/rejected radiant shares Reduced stales on alph Fixed rethereum + radiant auto intensity Added intensity2 and intensity3 to config.txt (and hive) Fixed --enable command line option
Slight improvement to rethereum Slight improvement to rethereum + radiant Fixed rethereum hung gpu/crashing on nvidia 10 and 20 series cards Fixed rethereum + radiant hung gpu/crashing on nvidia 10 and 20 series cards Fixed rethereum rejected shares
Optimized Algos: rethereum rethereum + radiant +zil ergo ergo + radiant etchash ethw octa canxium Fixed potential rethereum crash on rx580
Optimized Rethereum (Nvidia/AMD) Added Optimized Rethereum + Radiant
New coin: rethereum (1% dev fee) New coin: canxium (0.5% dev fee)
New coin: gamepass Improved rvn, xna, clore, meowcoin, neoxa hashrate on both Nvidia and AMD Updated throttle option for per gpu/algo control (now used similar to oc_ options) Added --throttle1, --throttle2, and --throttle3 options for command line Fixed rvn, xna, clore, meowcoin, neoxa out of memory bug Fixed ergo out of memory bug Fixed pool carryover stats on reconnects Fixed kawpow crash on profit switching pools
Further optimized CPU usage Fixed possible crash with +zil oc switching Added zil_gpus option. List of gpu indexes for which gpus to mine zil on. If not specified all gpus will mine zil Fixed rvn, xna, clore, meowcoin, and neoxa dag gen issues (crashes, out of mem) Fixed 2miner, k1pool, f2pool on etc, octa and ethw
Zil epoch 1 issue fixed Improved time to zil window status Fixed clore/xna rejected shares not showing Fixed reconnection log
Added new coin: clore Added new coin: xna (Neurai) Fixed low zil, etc, ethw and octa hashrate Increased dev fee for rvn, meowcoin, and neoxa to 1% Fixed possible crash on startup Fixed up some logging
Significant improvement to +zil stability Improved oc switching stability for +zil Improved overall stability for multi mining (multi_mine_type parallel and alternate) Updated logging Displaying gpu causing driver crash when main loop not responding Lowered default hung gpu threshold Fixed rvn displaying wrong hashrate for AMD cards Increased accuracy in http gui hashrate graph Fixed Neoxa on minerpool Fixed Nvidia metrics crashing when driver is not installed correctly Fixed possible crash on exit
Significant Ergo efficiency improvement (Nvidia) Minor improvement to Nexa hashrate (Nvidia) Significant hashrate/efficiency improvement to: ergo + radiant Significant hashrate/efficiency improvement to: ergo + kaspa Improved zil stability when switching OC's Improved overall dual+ mining stability Added pool hr percentage relative to miner hr Fixed Nexa extranonce for some pools Added option zil_retain_hashrate to keep last zil hashrate showing in miner Added option cache_dag for ergo to precalculate the next ergo dag Reduced ergo + rxd/kaspa startup time Improved dual mining auto intensity feature NOTE: dual rxd will not work in this release, a fix for this will be released shortly NOTE: Currently the improved Ironfish hashrate is not supported while solo mining. This will be addressed in an upcoming update
Improved Ironfish efficiency (Nvidia) Improved Radiant efficiency (Nvidia & AMD) Fixed Nvidia fan speeds on windows for some cards (10 series) NOTE: dual rxd will not work in this release, a fix for this will be released shortly NOTE: Currently the improved Ironfish hashrate is not supported while solo mining. This will be addressed in an upcoming update
Optimized radiant Optimized ironfish Optimized nexa Optimized novo Optimized alph Stabilized hashrate/auto intensity Added solutions per minute column (spm, use "pool_table" option to change columns)
New coin: Novo now supported Fixed Kylacoin pool integration issues (no worker name)
New coin: Kylacoin now supported Reduced ironfish default intensity (lower stales) Fixed unoptimized dual combo CPU usage Renamed nvidia_only, amd_only, and intel_only to enable_nvidia, enable_amd, and enable_intel Enable_intel is false by default Re-added intel support (disabled by default, enable with enable_intel option, only ironfish tested) allow_stales option (default true)
Improved Ironfish hashrate Fixed high cpu usage Added decimal place to power usage Fixed algo_opt for ironfish not showing hashrate on all gpus
Improved Ironfish hashrate. Fixed larger rigs not sending up all shares. Fixed worker name in wallet not getting passed to the pool. Reorganized config.txt. Added new column option best to show highest difficulty share found
Fixed OC's being reset on pool reconnects
Improved Ironfish hashrate Improved dual Octa + Ironfish hashrate Added show_pending option to see shares that were found but have not received a response from the pool Fixed dual +Ironfish percentages Fixed rejected shares on ethstratum protocol for ethw, etc, and octa
Significantly improved Ironfish hashrate/efficiency. Improved Radiant efficiency/hashrate. Improved Nexa efficiency/hashrate. New Coin: Octa. New dual options: Octa + Ironfish, Octa + Kaspa, Octa + Radiant, Octa + Alph. Showing difficulty of solutions found for ethw, etc, octa, zil, radiant, ironfish, and kaspa. Cleaned up some log outputs. Reduced dual mining rejected shares. Fixed +zil stability issues. Fixed autofan overcompensating on some cards (resulting in bouncy speeds). Fixed ramp_up feature. Fixed some windows stability issues. Fixed crashing on exit
Significantly improved Kaspa hashrate/efficiency Improved Nexa hashrate/efficiency Improved Radiant hashrate/efficiency Added protocol to pool table title Fixed fan speed causing stack smashing error algo_opt 1 for nexa will force smaller lut size Updated display
Slight improvement to kaspa hashrate/efficiency Fixed duplicates on algos nexa, ironfish, zil (and every other algo that may have possibly had the same issue) Updated ui (uptime column removed, put in bottom border, tsls displays by default) Fixed autofan crashing on nvidia 400 drivers Fixed alph stale job rejects Fix discord logging
Fixed rejected shares bug (removed debug code causing delayed network processing times)
Fixed nexa low pool shares bug Fixed ironfish benchmark option (--test) Added nexa support for
Improved nexa hashrate/efficiency Fixed nexa extra nonce rejected shares issue (affected pool137 but possibly other pools too) Fixed nexa stopped finding shares in some situations Fixed hung gpu on amd with +zil (and some other algos) Fixed some initial nexa and nexa+zil amd crashes Fixed radiant not setting extra nonce correctly on some pools Fixed radiant and kaspa amd driver issues Fixed Ergo rejected shares (not updating dag for new blocks)
Finally added AMD for nexa support! Fixed +zil on AMD Improved dual mining switching (+zil, alternate, optimized, and parallel mining) Now showing estimated time before next switch when alternate mining
Fixed zil window not mining. Fixed nexa on 8gb cards. Fixed some rejects on some nexa pools. Fixed reconnects causing hang (never reconnecting). Fixed zil core offset not applied when nexa lock is specified. Fixed neoxa, meowcoin, ravencoin invalid shares. Fixed hiveos crashing bz when mining rvn. Fixed pool stat caryover after reconnects
Improved Nexa hashrate/efficiency (Nvidia, continued joint effort with Lolliedieb from lolMiner) Fixed +zil not mining issue zil "pool hr" now only counts for time zil was mined Fixed logging issues (random characters and log freeze after some time)
Improved Nexa hashrate/efficiency (Nvidia, continued joint effort with Lolliedieb from lolMiner) Improved main algo hashrate when mining +zil Improved mining startup time Stats now carryover between pool reconnects Now showing watchdog restarts and pool reconnects Added enable_igpu option (--igpu 1 on cmdline). should fix some rigs that have igpus and immediately crash Added optional Nexa community fund (disabled by default, can enable using community_fund options) +zil stability fixes Fixed parallel/split mining for non optimized algos Fixed visual high latency bug Fixed oc switching with +zil in some cases Fixed ergo initialization failure (and failures on other algos) Fixed mining starting before oc is set on Nexa zil_wallet, zil_pool options fixed
Fixed cuda error from previous release on older nvidia drivers Slight improvement to nexa efficiency/hashrate (mainly for 20 series cards) Added new parameter --pool_reconnect_timeout_ms
Improved Nexa hashrate/efficiency (nvidia, continued effort with Lolliedieb) Nexa dev fee reduced to 2% Multiple +zil fixes Fixed AMD issues on all algos (except nexa) Possible slight auto intensity improvement across all algos (both nvidia and amd) Fixed high diff issue on Zil Fixed oc_script option Reformated ghz to mhz
NEXA! (FINALLY! Nvidia only for now, joint effort with Lolliedieb from lolMiner, 3% dev fee) Faster startup times for larger rigs Showing difficulty change message Pool hr now resets on diff change Added share difficulty for nexa only Caching zil dag completely (no recalculations on reconnections) Disabled Kaspa community fund by default
mproved Kaspa hashrate Improved Ergo + Kaspa hashrate Improved Zil oc switch stability Optimized CPU work loop(along with rest of algos support) ADDED KASPA COMMUNITY FUND BY DEFAULT (can optionally disable with community_fund options) Temporarily disabled Intel GPUs for this release Renamed blockchain_fee to community_fund Added k1pool kaspa + zil to script files Added to script files for kaspa Fixed Kaspa solo on pool Fixed k1poolzil (force_algo2 option) Fixed "oc_delay_ms" in config.txt constantly adding values each run Fixed Kaspa rejected shares for AMD Fixed Non-ZMP Zil pools disconnecting periodically Fixed power limit issue Fixed Radiant on AMD not mining Fixed Etc/Ethw algos on AMD Fixed duplicate radiant shares issue
Fixed nicehash pool connection for kaspa. Fixed locked clock going to idle on mem lock. Fixed radiant dual mine issue. Fixed radiant on rx580 cards. Fixed radiant duplicate shares issue. Added test zil option (in pool_configs.txt only). Zil dag reset oc not using oc_delay option (causing crashes for some oc switches). Fixed zil window clock for shardpool. Fixed --help and -h. Added k1poolzil for force_algo2. This will create zil connection automatically to k1pool using first algos wallet. Added discord webhook options: --webhook_discord_url --webhook_discord_solutions_only --webhook_discord_interval_ms --webhook_discord_verbosity
Lock core/memory clocks on 10, 16 and 20 series cards Fixed delayed oc on Zil window start Fixed main algo not pausing immediately on Zil window start Experiment Intel support (partial support on linux) Full metrics and oc on windows only Intel tested on ETC, ETHW, Radiant, Kaspa Added intel_only option Added oc_enable option (useful for dual mining not changing second algo oc) Logging Zil window time Radiant optimized for AMD Fix mem temp on driver >=520 Fix fan speeds on driver >=520 fixed crash on non <520 nvidia drivers Added disable_index_html option Warn if fan is broken Fixed oc_script from config.txt Fixed Radiant + Zil Disable lhr unlock on driver 520 and up
Added support for 40 series Nvidia cards.
New coin: Radiant (1.0% dev fee) New coin: Ethw (0.5% dev fee) New coin: Meowcoin (0.5% dev fee) New optimized combo (dual): ethw + radiant New optimized combo (dual): ethw + kaspa New optimized combo (dual): etc + radiant New optimized combo (dual): ergo + radiant
New coin: Zil (0% dev fee) Triple Mining with Zil + any dual combo (Using flexpools ZMP protocol) Dual Mining with Zil + any algo (Using flexpools ZMP protocol) Partial Chinese translation Added lang option (en or cn) Added force_algo2 option Renamed column option miner mh to miner_hr Renamed column option pool mh to pool_hr Fixed duplicate shares on large rigs (minor) AMD Kaspa improvements
Fixed dual Kaspa duplicate shares. Fixed Ergo on AMD taking too long to generate DAG. Fixed empty worker name not using a default. Lowered default time for hung gpu, hung_gpu_ms. Fixed Rejeced shares watchdog. Added oc_reset_on_exit option. Added --nc 1 to all script files (do not write to config by default). Fixed BzMiner exit taking too long)
New coin: Ergo, Neoxa. New dual: Ergo + Kaspa (Nvidia only). Improved Kaspa AMD performance. Improved Overall AMD performance on all algos. Replaced kawpow with rvn. Now supports both Kaspa pool protocols (and still solo mining). Network stability updates. Updated tbs_watchdog to support time since last share rather than based on estimated tbs by default, will use est. tbs percentage before watchdog is triggered (value of 100 would be 100x ext before watchdog is triggered) appending s, m, h, or d will result in tbs only triggering after no shares found for specified amount of time eg. "tbs_watchdog": "2.5m" will cause tbs watchdog to trigger if no shares found for 2.5 minutes. Updated uptime format (removed seconds). Updated status column, put LHR in parenthesis. Added tsls column option, time since last share. Reset overclocks on exit. Added opencl_workgroup_size option.Fixed system time change causing mainloop to not respond. Fixed multi mining issue with reconnecting one pool causes all pools to reconnect. Fixed extra nonce issue on some algos. Fixed BzMiner exit sequence. Timings (very experimental, and probably buggy
Further Improvements to Improved Eth/Etc + Kaspa hashrate (Nvidia). Improvements to dual autotune. Added --max_dual_autotune_drop option to control how much eth hashrate your willing to lose when autotuning (default 0.92). Added --disable_opencl option. useful for rigs where bzminer crashes due to amd drivers. Added --zil_only option (do not mine eth part of eth + zil). Added --log_file_verbosity option to log different verbosity to log file vs console. Increased gui console update frequency. Fixed opencl enumerating device 0:0
Fixed high stale count on some eth pools when dual eth + kas
Fixed 100% LHR Unlock v1 not working on older drivers <511.x. Core, memory, and power limit throttle notifications. Added --cache_dag for eth + zil mining. Fixed ezil protocol. Added --update_frequency_shares x to update display only after x shares found. Fixed autofan temperature range not working correctly. Fixed Ixian not reconnecting to pool properly. Fixed timings name column not expanding properly. Added ethzil scripts
(100% LHR Unlock v1! (Unstable, experimental, lower ocs). LHR Unlock stability adjuster --lhr_stability. GDDR5 --oc_mem_tweak. Added pause to end of batch files. Fixed Nvidia ocs sometimes not engaging
(LHR Engaged Notification. Increased tbs precision. Notify of unsupported Nvidia Driver. Added support for Kaspa node >=11.15 protocol. Olhash/Kaspa mining pauses when pool/node requests or is not synced. Kaspa template script default wallet includes "kaspa:". Bug Fixes: AMD/Nvidia only causing crash. Locked clocks command argument not overriding config option
Higher Nvidia hashrate with Alephium. Added decimal place to efficiency metric. Bug fix: SSL now works for non verified certs. Bug fix: Dual mine not working with command line options
Improved Dual Mining for LHR cards (OC per algo!). Allows different OC for each Dual Mine algo. Fix: Does not auto unlock Nvidia clocks on startup. Fix: Ethash AMD incorrectly reporting not enough memory on epoch change (8gb cards). Fix: tbs (time between shares) always rounding down. Fix: stales after dev fee. Fix: high ping/latency reporting after some time. Added additional command line arguments for dual mining) - teamblackminer-v1.48 (LHR partial unlock on the RTX 3050. Improved the ETHProxy implementation. Fewer rejected shares. Added LHR reset counter to output. Less cpu usage and more stable LHR. Add gpu timout warning in the output for testing purposes
Fixed reconnect loop for some Alephium pools. Fixed log rotation bug